public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag plugin

January 2009

Functional Test Generation with symfony 1.2 - Thomas Rabaix

A nice "click-and-browse" way to create functionnal tests with Symfony 1.2.

SVG Import | repository for Extensions

An OpenOffice plugin for opening/importing SVG documents into Draw. The SVG elements are translated into Draw elements.

SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.

November 2008

jQuery Google Charting

by 2 others
A jQuery plugin that sets a division to request a Google chart.


by 2 others
Yahoo has unveiled BrowserPlus, a brower plugin that adds some features to the browser. They explain : "BrowserPlus™ is a technology for web browsers that allows developers to create rich web applications with desktop capabilities."

MobilePress - Enable The Mobile Web

by 1 other
MobilePress is a WordPress plugin that will render your WordPress blog on mobile handsets, with the ability to use customized themes. The plugin also allows specific themes for specific devices / mobile browsers, such as iPhone, Opera Mini, Windows CE Mobile and other generic handset browsers.

October 2008

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | firesymfonyPlugin | 1.0.2

This plugin extends the web debug toolbar to send the debug information as a JSON object to the FireSymfony Firebug extension.

July 2008

sfTagtoolsPlugin - symfony - Trac

by 1 other
This plugin provides many additional services above and beyond those standard in the excellent sfPropelActAsTaggablePlugin. This plugin is less mature than sfPropelActAsTaggablePlugin but provides quite a bit of user interface "glue" to flesh it out.

jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.29 (2008-06-26)

by 1 other
The Multiple File Upload Plugin (jQuery.MultiFile) is a non-obstrusive plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily whilst also providing some basic validation functionality to help developers idenfity simple errors, without having to submit the form (ie.: upload files).

June 2008

sfStatsPlugin - symfony - Trac

by 1 other (via)
The sfStatsPlugin provides an easy way to display charts based on data you already own. Whether you want to follow the global progress of your application usage, or to analyze precisely how many specific actions were done by users under particular conditions, this plugin is for you.

May 2008

sfFirePHP plugin

by 1 other
FirePHP enables you to print to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP function call. What makes FirePHP different? All data is sent via a set of X-FirePHP-Data response headers. This means that the debugging data will not interfere with the content on your page. Thus FirePHP is ideally suited for AJAX development.

June 2007

sfCSRFPlugin - symfony

The sfCSRFPlugin plugin provides protection against Cross Site Request Forgeries.

April 2007

sfCaptchaPlugin - symfony - Trac

The sfCaptchaPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides captcha functionality based on JpGraph? library.